Tuesday, November 15, 2022

What Lengths Am I Willing to Go Through to Do Right by Every Child?


I find it fitting that the word "Learn" was at the center of my word it out. Learning is the base line of what everyone wants for children that go to school. It is what we all desire when we seek out more knowledge. I think that sometimes we forget that the education system is meant to teach people about things they don't know about.

To make this word it out I found that many of the articles and videos provided had the theme that education does not seem to be for students anymore. It does not serve students' needs and cannot teach them that they are important and that their opinion matters. This system seems to stifle all ideals that don't fit the mold of the "good student". I think when making this I wanted to capture that in the words and in the color. I choose green words because those should be perceived as the words to look forward to. Kind of like the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side". I left in the words of unkindness for a sense of punch. Words like "failure", "disconnect", "never", and "destroy". I think that they create a sense of urgency when surrounded by words that should not be negative, such as "students" or "school". 

As to relate to the question, "What lengths am I willing to go through to do right by every child?", I think that it is possible to go through a lot in order to connect with students and to make sure they are feeling seen. I know that it would be a lot to do such things, but it may be worth it in order to really help students. Does this come with the risk of losing yourself to make sure others are okay, sure, but being an educator is a selfless job. It is the most exciting thing to see children connect with something you are teaching or something you are doing because it relates to them. I think that all that is worth doing whatever I could to help children relate to the teachings. Relation is the only way we want to learn.

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