Monday, November 7, 2022

How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession?

 Gender in teaching is a funny thing. Women are often seen at the forefront of learning. It is more common to see a woman in education than a man. Why? Many men who enter the profession also come along with a coaching position. I have personally only seen a few male teachers who were not coaches. Do all teachers who enter the career field, regardless of gender, have that same passionate want of helping students reach their greatest potential? 

I do not think that gender affects the way someone teaches. I think each person teaches based on how much they want to. Some are more enthusiastic about it, and some would rather just get it over with. Gender does not affect the way a lesson is taught. There could also be this huge fight over male and female but what about the teachers who do not fit that mold? In these more modern times, there is the option of being absent of gender. How does no gender at all affect the way you teach or how the students receive your teaching? The way you teach does not falter but it is the way you are perceived that does. How do students go about understanding that and would parents be okay with sending their children to learn at a school with a teacher that lacks gender? Maybe it is a thought overboard from the regular gender discussion of male and female teaching, but it has crossed my mind and I could not go without addressing it.

I think there is a stigma that woman should be teachers simply because not very many men become teachers. I do not think I could answer the why they do not, because everyone is different. They all have different reasons and to generalize that is unfair. Gender does not make you better at one thing than another, I think that profession is based on preference. I also think that the way others, like students and other faculty, respond to how you teach and treat others rather than what your gender is.

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