Wednesday, November 16, 2022

It is 2022, Why Are Schools Still Segregated?

 It is 2022, why are schools still segregated? It is time to change that way of thinking that anyone is above the other. Why are we still discriminating? It is 2022, why are we still treating people as if they are not human based on their skin color? Why is it that I have to seek higher education before I learn about culture other than my own and the culture of the people who took the land to create America? 

One can argue that the schools aren't segregated, it is just based on where these families live, but why do they live there? I listened to the podcast Black History for White People: Redlining, which first of all that is the first time I've heard the real definition of redlining as it pertains to our history. I also learned from it that the government had put systems in place to make sure that the housing and the schooling stays segregated. Why is that okay? Why is it normal for our government to turn a blind eye to all that is happening? Why do they feel it is not their place to step in for the people of the United States? Schools are still segregated because people are scared of change. They are frightened of what could be and their own false perceptions on what other people are. We are still segregated because some people find that easier than just being educated on cultures and topics that are not their own. It is 2022 but we are still segregated because there were systems put into place to keep it that way. That is how the people who came before us wanted it to be and how they left their mark on the world. It is 2022, why won't we change this? Why are we scared to change our society for the better? Why do we stay still and frozen in our own worlds? Why don't we open up to new ones? Why in 2022, are schools still segregated?

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