Friday, November 18, 2022

What Does Money Really Have to Do With It?

 Schools need funds in order to function as a successful form of education. While the greater cause of being in Education is to support thinking minds, money is a big factor in how that gets done. 

Education systems need money provided through the government in order to keep the school running. Whether that money is used to pay the staff or pay for more equipment for students without the money some schools would lack the ability to keep up with the educational needs of the students. While it would be a perfect world to say that "it is not all about the money", sometimes that could very well be the case for some people. Some may not be able to afford to send their child to a better school or a teacher may choose to work at a different place because it will pay them more. It may be easier to claim that education is for everyone regardless of their monetary situation but that is simply not true.

Many of the articles that were provided gave great examples of how not only is money necessary for education systems, but it is also a need in families. Some students, with a lower income family, may not have access to the necessary tools they need to succeed in the classroom when they are at home. I think the layer of why money is needed for education is prevalent in seeing how many different ways lower funding effects different parts of the teaching process. It is apparent that money is needed in a lot of ways in order to start education, this is not practical in some ways which halts the learning process.

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