Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Is School Equitable?

 Before I even started, I had to look up the word "Equitable". It seemed pretty straightforward, but I had to be sure. Equitable means to be fair for all. Is schooling fair for all? I think the answer is simple and very in your face, but this would not give the education system the benefit of the doubt. 

The education that I received was decent enough that I got through K-12 and am now going through college. However, the amount of information that I did not receive in school that I have now learn outside of it is alarming. Most of the information I have come across are retellings of major historical events that I was taught happened one way but really happened another. Most of these stories are minorities stories that are not taught in schools. This is an easy way for education systems to leave out certain races and culture from their schools. This is not a fair way of presenting information to teach to children in schools.

Another piece of the unfairness of schools is how they treat the students who are minorities. I grew up in a town where the majority of the population were Hispanics. The school had a majority of Hispanic students, yet still many of those students were discriminated against. We had a school resource officer that was put in charge of lunch detention, why would they need someone with that much authority running something as simple as lunch detention? School resource officers have been known to cause more unrest in students, so why do we need them to be around so often? 

I do not think schools are equitable. I do not know if they ever will be. I do know that educators, administrative staff and many others could contribute to making schools more equitable just by doing what they have to skillset to do.

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