Friday, September 2, 2022

The Purpose of Public Schools

Why do public schools exist? What is the reason for them? I am sure there are many different answers to these questions, and some are probably far more positive than others. My answer however would have to be that public schools are for educating mass amounts of students so that they are able to enter the working class as literate and educated adults. This seems simplified however I think this is the base layer of the public education system. Things that elevated this base line are the things such as interesting lessons, activities, clubs, and educators that inspire students. I find that in my own experience in public school I found more education in asking my teachers extra questions that weren't entirely a part of the lesson they were teaching. I learned to play instruments and dance because my public school's teachers fought to have this type of information available to students. The purpose of public schools is uninspiring but having teachers that care, administrators that listen, and the opportunities to learn really elevated the experience of attending.

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