Thursday, December 1, 2022

What Makes Teaching Great?

 I could not tell exactly way teaching is great. It is hard to place such a feeling. Perhaps is it the smiles you get from the students when they are learning something new. Maybe it is the feeling of getting to see the next generation grow before your eyes. Or it could even be just the feeling of teaching, that satisfied feeling of giving your knowledge to others. It could even be all of the above. Teaching is just something that you cannot take away as it is need by everyone. It is what makes it so malleable. 

In my class, there were many teaching strategies that we went through in order to learn ourselves. Some of them I enjoyed and others I found more difficult. Here is a list of my top five strategies for learning and why I think they are good.

What Makes Teaching Great?

 I could not tell exactly way teaching is great. It is hard to place such a feeling. Perhaps is it the smiles you get from the students when...