Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 Hey! I'm Kylie Nelson. I am currently a sophomore at Texas State University, and I am apprehensive about this semester. I have just started on the Education major pathway and so far, I feel like I've made the right choice of switching majors.

I want to teach because it is something that I have felt connected to especially as I got older. I want to help students understand that their path is not always wrong, even when everyone tells them it is. I want to be that person that can make a change in even just one kids life that helps them become something greater. When I was in school, I didn't have very many friends and I didn't fit in sometimes, but the teachers I had helped me get through school. I do not think I would have stayed in school if it weren't for them. This is the feeling and hope that I wish to deliver to students. I also had this really interesting middle school grammar teacher, I admired who she was and wanted to be like her. I decided teaching grammar and English would be good for me because it comes easy to me.

Long term I think I would prefer to teach grades six through twelve. I think I understand older children better and I could better help them succeed. I however did take a student teaching class at my high school, and that class I helped out in was a fourth-grade class. I adored those kids; they were smart and understanding yet still full of that wonder and excitement that you usually get from younger kids. I felt like this was the perfect grade for me, fourth grade really made me feel like I belonged to something. I would still like to teach English or any form of it. I realize that with a younger grade I would have to teach more than just English but I like social studies too so I would find this arrangement agreeable. 

What Makes Teaching Great?

 I could not tell exactly way teaching is great. It is hard to place such a feeling. Perhaps is it the smiles you get from the students when...